Saturday, March 5, 2011

The answers are revealed by veteran businessman Bob Thomas through his new book Creating a World Class Company: A Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Bob Thomas practices what he preaches.  He is a world class entrepreneur having created two world-class high-tech companies from scratch.  One is a division of Emerson, a Fortune 500 company and the other is a division of ABB, the giant Swiss conglomerate.  Both were built without investing money, borrowing outside the company, selling stock or taking venture capital.  Impossible you say?  Not if you read this book.

Developing a strategy for world class business.

World class' is a concept that is difficult to define. However, an accepted working definition is that a world class company should be able to compete with any other organisation in its chosen markets and that it aspires to world-beating standards in everything it does, in every department or division. `World class' also embraces the practice of (and excellence in) techniques such as total quality management continuous improvement, customer service, international benchmarking, flexible working and training. `World class' organisations also accept the necessity for continuous change.

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